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Join us at the "Future of EU Communications" breakfast briefing!

Schuman Agtel event

We are delighted to announce the full agenda for our upcoming breakfast briefing with Agtel on the Future of EU Communications, Wednesday 28 June, 8.00-9.30, at Aloft Brussels Schuman. Mairead McGuinness MEP and First Vice-President of the European Parliament will be our keynote speaker. Ruth Estrada, Partner at Schuman Associates will be presenting on "Enhancing the outreach of EU projects: BCO case study".  The event will be moderated by Tony Connelly, Europe Editor, RTE. We only have several places left so if you are interested in attending please RSVP to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Agenda | Wednesday, 28th June 2017



Registration, Breakfast & Networking



Tony Connelly

Europe Editor, RTE

Welcome and introduction



Mairead McGuinness MEP

First Vice-President of the European Parliament

Using social media videos to connect with constituents



Thibault Lesenecal

Head of Web Communication Unit, European Parliament

How visuals and video are integrated into the editorial mix across social media



Ruth Estrada

Partner, Schuman Associates

Enhancing the outreach of EU projects: BCO case study



 Diarmaid Mac Mathúna

Head of Client Services, Agtel

Practical tips on creating high impact videos for social media



Q & A and open discussion




 If you would like to know more about Schuman Associates' corporate communications or public affairs services please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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