2016 EWRC event: How EU structural and investment funds drive innovation in healthcare.
Healthcare is one of the largest sectors in the EU contributing to job creation and to economic growth. It accounts for 8% of the total European workforce and for 10% of the EU´s GDP. However, the health systems models applied today result in ever-increasing costs. On 13th October, under the framework of the European Week of Regions and Cities, Philips and Schuman Associates co-organised a Side Event in Brussels with key EU stakeholders to reflect on how ESIF funds can drive innovation in health systems.
The event was moderated by Member of European Parliament, Jan Olbrycht (PL, EPP) and attended by around 40 high level representatives from public and private sector, as well as umbrella organizations in the area of healthcare. Three different European Commission's DGs took part in the debate: Carmen LAPLAZA SANTOS, Deputy Head of Unit E-Health, Wellbeing, and Ageing, General Directorate for Communications Networks, Content & Technology, Marek PRZEOR, Team Leader, Competence Centre Smart and Sustainable Growth Unit, General Directorate for Regional and Urban Policy Unit, and Katarzyna GLOWACKA-ROCHEBONNE, Policy Officer at DG Health and Food Safety.
For further information, including detailed agenda and the position paper please contact Ms. Malgorzata Stepniak,
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