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Anti-Money Laundering Europe (AME) at the Council of Notaries of the European Union (CNUE)

Laura website

On Wednesday 14 October 2015, Laura Heuvinck spoke on behalf of Anti-Money Laundering Europe (AME) at the Council of Notaries of the European Union (CNUE) money laundering lunch debate.


She gave a short presentation of the AME platform and in terms of the 4th Anti-Money Laundering Directive addressed the following points:

- Prospective approach: forthcoming challenges and gaps to be filled.

- Focus on the legal professionals in this context.

CNUE President, Mr Jean Tarrade highlighted the role of European notaries in the fight against money-laundering and Ms Kallina Simeonoff,  Team Leader, Company Law and Corporate Governance Desk Officer, DG Justice, European Commission also reviewed the EC’s role and work on the 4th AMLD.

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