€611 million in EU funding for innovative sustainability projects: LIFE Programme 2023 Calls
By Anca Wlizło
As of April 18, a total of €611 million in funding for innovative and impactful sustainability projects in the areas of nature conservation, environmental protection, climate action, and clean energy transition, has become available via the 2023 calls for project proposals under the European Commission's LIFE Programme. Project submissions are now possible until September 2023.
Eligible initiatives include, among others:
- reducing GHG emission in a non-Emissions Trading System (ETS) sector
- increasing the use of renewable energy or demonstrate new ways of achieving energy efficiency
- climate-proofing and increasing the resilience of buildings
Project types
14 calls are currently open targeting specific categories of projects:
1. Standard Action Projects (SAPs) for:
a) nature and biodiversity (€148.4 million)
b) circular economy and quality of life (€81 million)
c) climate change mitigation and adaptation (€66.35 million)
2. Strategic Integrated Projects (SIPs) focused on climate and environment (€83 million)
3. Operating Grants for non-profit entities (€14 million)
4. Technical Assistance Replication (€6.5 million)
5. Projects for addressing ad hoc Legislative and Policy priorities (€15 million)
Upcoming calls
2 May: Technical Assistance Preparation
11 May: Clean Energy Transition Projects
How can we help?
Our experts can help you anticipate and navigate the upcoming opportunities, advocate and shape opportunities for your sustainability projects, select the most relevant funding programmes and maximise the support you can obtain.
Explore the EU Funding & Tenders portal and get in touch to discuss how to take your project further.
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