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Post 2020 Funding: Public consultations organised by the European Commission over the post-2020 Budget


consultation In 2018, the Commission will make comprehensive proposals for the next generation of financial programmes for the post-2020 Multiannual Financial Framework, which is the EU's long–term budget. This consultation is an integral part of the process and its objective is to collect the views of all interested parties on how to make the most of every euro of the EU budget.

What is the context/ the next steps?
  1. The European Commission will publish in May 2018 a proposal for the future EU budget beyond 2020 (Multiannual Financial Framework - MFF).
  2. In 2018-2019, the corresponding new EU Funding Programmes (ESIF Operational Programmes, Horizon, Erasmus+ etc.) will be prepared.
  3. After negotiating the MFF and obtaining the consent of the European Parliament, the Council adopts the MFF by a unanimous vote (around May 2019).
What could we expect post 2020?
  1.  The future budget is expected to bring a significant shift in the management model of EU funds, and more broadly of European public investment.
  2. A 7-year budget is expected to be the last one post 2020, followed by 5-year multi-annual budgets.
  3. There is a risk that the proposed budget could see a decrease (12-13 bn. EUR/ year as per EC officials) as a consequence of Brexit, while the best case scenario would see its current level preserved.
  4. Cohesion Policy: drastic cuts are not expected (5-10% could be realistic), but structural funds need to be more flexible and modernized; countries need to absorb the money more efficiently, within the deadlines.
  5. H2020 and Erasmus+ > cuts are excluded as more investment is needed in these areas. H2020 + Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps could be merged into a single heading: Future Innovation & Youth.
  6. Grants will continue to represent the lion’s share of the EU investments, especially in the social domain.
  7. However, financial instruments could be integrated within a single fund and in this format they could acquire an unprecedented role, including in traditional European policies, such as Cohesion and Agriculture.
  8. Indicative priorities to get consistent support: employment, youth, migration, defense, cohesion policy, agricultural policy, R&D and innovation, natural disasters and civil protection etc
Why should this be of interest to you?
  1.  FORWARD THINKING: Plant the seeds for your EU funding market post 2020 & ensure future pipelines of projects.
  2. COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE: Mitigate the risk of your sector loosing funding as part of the general budget decrease.
  3. MARKET PRESENCE: Support your market presence and business collaboration with country and Brussels authorities.
  4. EU ARENA PRESENCE: Opportunity to set the agenda, shape the conversation and ensure your company is present in the EU arena.
  5. THOUGHT LEADERSHIP: Increased visibility and opportunity to open doors in Brussels and in country.
So what is this consultation about?

Between 10th of January and 8th of March 2018, the European Commission will undertake public consultations in order to evaluate existing EU financial programmes in several policy areas:

  1. Investment, Research & Innovation, SMEs and the Single Market
  2. Cohesion 
  3. Values and Mobility  
  4. Security
  5. Migration 
  6. Strategic Infrastructure

The aim is to collect the views of all interested parties on the extent to which the current funding options have been successful in addressing policy challenges, current obstacles and potential solutions for improvement, new policy challenges which could be addressed through future funding, and the added value of existing EU programmes compared to national programmes.

The Commission will publish the replies shortly after the end of the consultation period. They will be taken into account when designing comprehensive proposals for the post -2020 Multiannual Financial Framework and for the next generation of EU funds.

How can you contribute to the public consultation?
  1.  Fill-in in the online questionnaire. You can elaborate on your answers in the dedicated text boxes foreseen for this purpose.
  2. The questionnaire is accessible in 23 EU languages. Contributions may be submitted in any of the official EU languages.
  3.  The questionnaire takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. You may pause and save your work and continue later. You may download the questionnaire in PDF format.
  4.  Once you have submitted your answers, you may download a copy of your completed responses.
  5.  At the end of the questionnaire you will be given the possibility to upload supporting documents (max: 1MB) to complement your contribution.

In the interest of transparency, the Commission asks organisations who wish to respond to the consultation to register in the Transparency Register and subscribe to its Code of Conduct. If you are a registered organisation, please indicate your Register ID number when replying to the online questionnaire. If your organisation is not registered, you can register here. Then you can return to this page and submit your contribution as a registered organisation.



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