B-WISER project’s WP1 interim results
During a two-hour online meeting held at the beginning of September B-WISER consortium took stock of the activities carried out within Work Package 1 and started discussions for the launch of WP2.
As project coordinator, the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) illustrated the preliminary results of WP1 on the perceptions, roles, and interactions of stakeholders with regard to elite and former elite athletes’ employability and employment. So far, more than 130 elite sport organisations, educational institutions, employment agencies, representative bodies of (former) elite athletes and employers from the 6 Member States involved in the project completed the questionnaire prepared by the research partners. The final results of WP1 will be published on the project’s website by the end of October and will also be presented during a symposium at the Nordic Sport Science Conference in Halmstad (Sweden) on 22 November.
The online meeting also tackled the launch of Work Package 2 activities. During this WP, the competencies required and developed by elite and former elite athletes to optimise their employability and employment will be identified and an instrument to measure athletes’ competencies will be developed. This instrument will serve as a formative self-evaluation tool for elite and former elite athletes and as a support-identification tool for career support providers.
The next meeting of the B-WISER consortium will take place in Halmstad on 21 November.
For more information on the project you can contact Paolo Montini at
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