Digital Europe calls open: €176 million for digital capabilities and technology
- Sectoral data spaces
- Cloud-to-edge infrastructure
- Artificial intelligence
- Digital skills
- Deployment of digital public services
Funding opportunities
- Creation of sectoral data spaces: €74 million
These are a cornerstone of the EU data strategy as well as other data projects.
- Cloud-to-edge infrastructure pilot project: €30 million
This aims to enable the cross-border deployment of the "Telco Edge" infrastructure and its interoperability with the infrastructure. The resulting reference deployments could contribute to the creation of the "3C Network" ecosystem mentioned in the Commission's recent white paper on Europe's digital infrastructure needs.
- Artificial intelligence (AI): €7.5 million
This aims to invest in projects such as the Language Technologies Alliance, announced in the recent AI Innovation Package, which will support the creation of major European linguistic models and generative AI. It will enrich European linguistic diversity in the field of generative AI and provide greater autonomy for the use and sharing of European data.
- Advanced digital skills: €4 million
Funding has already been allocated to:
- The Digital Skills and Jobs Platform: to help adults acquire basic digital skills
- "The girls and women in digital": to fuel better policy in achieving gender convergence in the ICT sector
- A project aimed at strengthening collaboration on the deployment of cross-border digital public services (€1 million)
This round of calls:
- Deadline: 29 May
- Results: expected by July
The next round of calls is expected to be published this summer.
How we can help
- Evaluate and identify the DEP call most suited to your objectives
- Connect your project with key stakeholders
- Develop a compelling proposal
- Support you throughout all steps of the submission process.
To find the best opportunities for you and maximise your chances of receiving a DEP grant,
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