EP Event “Impact of REACH Authorisation: costs and benefits”
Schuman Associates organised for the Nickel Institute a breakfast briefing in the European Parliament on the 10th of November 2016 on the “Impact of REACH Authorisation: costs and benefits”. The breakfast briefing was hosted by the Nickel Institute and MEP Inge Gräßle with the cooperation of MEP Gieseke, the European Commission, ECHA, eftec and the Maltese Presidency of the European Council 2017 as well as the European Committee for Surface Treatment (CETS).
The event was timely organised ahead of the European Commission’s REFIT report on REACH to be presented in June 2017 and it attracted 50 representatives from EU Institutions, Permanent Representations & Missions to the EU and relevant industry stakeholders. For further information please see the Agenda below and follow the link to the video of the event: https://www.nickelinstitute.org/KnowledgeBase/Videos/20161110-ImpactofREACHAuthorisation.aspx
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