EU External Aid Funds – how much is your country getting?
The EU is collectively the biggest donor in the world, providing over 50 BEUR a year together with its Member States to translate policy objectives into effective strategies and actions that meet country or regional needs. The EU has different types of EU External Aid funding instrumentswhich cover nearly all the geographies around the world. It also counts with thematic programmes which address multiple fields of cooperation such as peace and security, climate change, migration, food security, several countries.
Based on official data provided by the European Commission, Schuman Associates has conducted an analytical research to show which EU countries are benefiting the most from the funds provided by the geographic External Aid instruments namely:
- The Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA II) – covering “enlargement countries” who has expressed their willingness to join the EU;
- The European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI) – which provides assistance to the EU neighbourhood both on its Eastern and Southern borders;
- The Development and Cooperation Instrument (DCI) – supporting cooperation with around 47 developing countries in Latin America, South Asia and North and South East Asia, Central Asia, Middle East and South Africa and;
- The European Development Fund (EDF) – is the EU's main instrument for providing development aid to African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries and to overseas countries and territories.
The research shows that between 2010 and 2015 the EU has contracted a total of 11.8 BEUR – excluding those programmes and funds which are indirectly managed by third parties such us international organisations, partners countries and NGO’s. Only in 2015 the EU contracted a total of 2.2 BEUR. In overall terms – between 2010-2015 – Germany (1.7 BEUR), the UK (1.5 BEUR), France (1.4 MEUR), Belgium (1.1 BEUR) and Italy (1.1 BEUR) are the top 5 Member States whomanaged biggest pots of EU External Funds.
2017 will be a key year in terms of EU development and cooperation actions. At the policy level – the EU is undergoing a thorough review of its External Aid policy through a) the new EU Foreign Policy Strategy; b) the revision of the Cotonou agreement which expires in 2020; and c) the new EU consensus on development. At the funding level – the EU is designing the New External Investment Plan which based on an initial EUR 3.35 billion contribution from the EU budget and the European Development Fund and using innovative blending financial instruments, the new EEIP is expected to trigger additional public and private investments up to EUR 44 billion, which could well reach the amount of EUR 88 billion if matched with contributions from Member States.
If you would like to know more about EU Development Policy and External Aid funding instruments feel free to contact Schuman Associates:
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