EU-Africa Second Breakfast Briefing “Engaging the Private Sector for EU support to Africa”
On 12th November, Schuman Associates organized EU-Africa Breakfast Briefing "Engaging the Private Sector for EU support to Africa" with Nick Westcott, Managing Director Africa, External Action Service (EEAS) and Roberto Ridolfi, Director for Sustainable Growth and Development at European Commission, DG Development and Cooperation (DG DEVCO).
This Breakfast Briefing addressed the role and opportunities for the private sector in EU Africa cooperation programmes under the 11th EDF during 2015 and beyond. The event built on the outcomes of the first EEAS Schuman Executive Briefing in February 2014 and key developments since then including the EU Africa Summit in Brussels, April 2014 and the European Commission Communication on role of private sector in development presented in May 2014. Looking ahead, the event also set the scene for opportunities emerging from the European Year of Development 2015 and review of the MDGs. The objective of the event was to review the challenges and opportunities for enhancing the public private partnership between the EU and Africa to the mutual benefit of both in ways that are sustainable in the mid to long term.
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