EU funding for construction: RRF and Cohesion Policy
Construction works and the built environment in general represent a stepping stone in a vast majority of economic development initiatives, from improving transport infrastructure to ensuring access to safe and resilient public buildings, healthcare, or education facilities. They are are an omnipresent element in a wide variety of EU-funded initiatives addressing a multitude of sectors.
Like many other economic activities, the construction sector in Europe is now facing a transformative path towards becoming greener and more resilient, and through this, contributing to the EU's Green Deal objectives. Public initiatives at national and EU level reflect this acknowledged objective of renewing the European built environment, with policies such as the Renovation Wave, the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive, or the new Emission Trading System for Buildings and Road Transport (ETS2) providing just a few recent examples.
EU funding programmes complement policy initiatives by encouraging investments in green and resilient built infrastructures. At national level, EU funds are channeled through the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) and Cohesion Policy funds.
Construction investments under the RRF
Construction works are intrinsic to numerous investments included in the National Recovery and Resilience Plans. Whether they are related to improving transport conditions, increasing energy efficiency of public or private buildings, or enhancing access to education or health services by securing the needed infrastructure, construction works are at the core of a multitude of RRF-funded investment projects.
In Romania, for example, almost €2.2 billion in RRF and national funds are channeled towards the development of new public hospital infrastructure across the country. Beneficiary hospitals are now in the process of contracting the necessary works with specialised consortia of companies.
Construction investments under Cohesion Policy
In Poland, for example, more than €3 billion in EU funds under the FENIKS programme are currently disbursed by the Center for EU Transport projects for the construction and reconstruction of roads on the national road network, complementing the missing elements of the routes included in the TEN-T core network.
How we can help
With an outstanding track-record of leveraging EU and public sector funding for our clients' growth for over three decades, we can assist you in identifying and addressing the most relevant EU funding opportunities for your construction-related initiatives.
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