Learning from 2024, anticipating 2025: core EU funding at country level As 2024 comes to a close, the EU and Member States find themselves at a pivota...
EU Consulting Internship
Join a great team - and launch your career Our 'Schuman Internships' talent development programme is open again! Each year, we look for tale...
Schuman Associates are 'Best in Brussels'
We are delighted that Schuman Associates has once again been rated in the 85 top EU Public Affairs Consultancies in Brussels, out of over 52...
Celebrating our 35th Anniversary in Athens
This year, we brought our entire team to the beautiful city of Athens for our annual get-together and retreat, in celebration of this m...
EU funding for skills and employment: RRF and Cohesion Policy
The employment and skills landscape across EU Member States has been profoundly impacted not only by rapid developments in Europea...
EU funding for construction: RRF and Cohesion Policy
Construction works and the built environment in general represent a stepping stone in a vast majority of economic development initiatives, from i...
Investing in European healthcare systems with Recovery and Resilience Facility & Cohesion Policy funds
Healthcare systems in Europe and around the globe are facing significant challenges, among them the need for better preparedness and reinfor...
COVID-19: How to leverage EU funding opportunities and impact policy
Understanding the relationship between policy and funding today, more than ever, can have a lasting impact on your business. Working with the EU insti...
EU programmes have extended their Calls deadlines
As recent restrictions related to COVID-19 outbreak may hamper applicants to prepare and finalise proposals, according to the EU Funding and Tenders p...
EU pillars for the new engagement with Africa – what’s in there for my business?
The EU finds itself at the crossroads rethinking its new engagement with the African continent. This one, 2020, is a crucial year. On the one hand, th...
The EU Green Deal: one trillion euro investment plan to make EU the world’s first climate-neutral continent
On January 14, the European Commission unveiled its one trillion euro public and private investment plan to finance the European Green Deal. The overa...
What's next on the new EU Green Deal
The new European Commission, headed by Ursula von der Leyen is scheduled to start working soon and both environmental and climate policy will likely ...
Who will be in charge of the next round of EU funds?
President-elect Ursula von der Leyen presented her team and the new structure of the next European Commission. The new Commissioners will be in charg...
Be part of the Digital Europe programme 2021-2027!
Digital Europe 2021-2027 is the first EU programme entirely dedicated to investments in key digital areas. It aims to support the development and wide...
Make your city green with support from EBRD and the Green Climate Fund
The Green Climate Fund (GCF) strongly supports EBRD efforts to enhance urban environmental sustainability. On July 2, they both signed the disbursemen...
Reform Agenda in the Western Balkans and Turkey
On 29 May, the European Commission published its annual assessment of the reform agenda in the Western Balkans partner countries and Turkey. Thi...
EU Sector Seminar for External Aid
Once again, Schuman Associates will be moderating the EU Sector Seminar for External Aid, taking place on 20th June in Brussels. This year the topic i...
#EBRD doing more: projects’ highlights
Last April the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) released a series of publications #EBRD doing more highlighting several o...
H2020 Dashboard: Portugal
With almost 80 billion euro for the period 2014-2020, Horizon 2020 is the EU's biggest programme to fund Research and Innovation. In this edition of S...
H2020 Dashboard: Germany
Horizon 2020 is the largest EU funding instrument for Research and Innovation. For the current funding period (2014-2020) the programme has a total b...
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