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New Guide to NextGenerationEU


Schuman Associates is proud to share the newly updated NextGenerationEU Guide "for the industry to better understand and seize its opportunities", launched by the European Association of Innovation Consultants (EAIC) on 29 June 2022. 

Having contributed significantly to this valuable resource, we look forward to taking these insights further with our clients. Explore the Guide and get in touch to discuss how we can help you access the best opportunities under NGEU.

What is new?

This update builds on the 2021 edition, released when the first National Recovery Plans were being adopted by the European Commission. Its key novelties include:

  • A synthesis of the content of each National Recovery Plan, providing details on priorities for reforms and investments to help the recovery. Altogether, the 27 plans represent a total of €723 billion in grants or loans foreseen to be spent or lent over four years.
  • Fresh information on programmes and national calls that are forecasted or are ongoing.
  • Opportunities stemming from Important Projects of Common European Interest (IPCEI) to strengthen strategic European Value Chains in five areas: Microelectronics, Batteries, Decarbonisation and Hydrogen, Health, and Cloud Services.
  • Examples of projects that are already being kick-started exactly one year after the launch of the plan.

How can we help you?

We are experts on the opportunities stemming from the National Recovery Plans as well as from the new generation of EU Cohesion Funds. Our EU-level and in-country experts are in position to support you to benefit from these openings. Get in touch today to take your projects further.

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