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Recovery and Resilience Facility: Greece

Recovery and Resilience Facility: Greece

The Greek Recovery and Resilience Plan

Greece published and put into public consultation its first draft National Recovery and Resilience Plan on 25 November 2020. In parallel, informal consultations are taking place between the EU and Greek officials

Greece is set to receive € 16.4 billion in grants from the Recovery and Resilience Facility. In addition, it can access loans worth € 12.6 billion, on a voluntary basis. The Greek government has stated that it will maximise the use of grants, with the intention of using loans for financing high-added-value private investments.

Priority areas for reforms and investment

The draft Greek National Recovery and Resilience Plan sets out four main components for the country's strategy:

  1. GREEN transition
  2. DIGITAL transition

Eighteen priority areas under these are identified to promote sustainable and inclusive growth, with a focus on green transition as well as digitalisation of public administration and the economy:

Green transition Digital transition Employment, Skills and Social Cohesion Private investment and Economic and Institutional transformation
Power up: energy infrastructure and renewables Connect: 5G networks Labour market Tax administration
Renovate: energy efficiency of buildingsModernise: digitalisation of public administration Education, training and skills Modernisation of public administration
Recharge and Refuel: green mobility and electromobility Digitalisation of businesses
Healthcare Justice
Sustainable use of resources, climate resilience and environmental protectionIncrease access to effective social policiesFinancial sector and capital markets
Research and Innovation
Modernisation of key economic sectors


The political coordination of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan lies within the Steering Committee at the General Secretariat of the Government. The Special Coordinating Authority for the Recovery Fund within the Ministry of Finance will ensure the technical coordination of the Plan.

In a nutshell

Note: the estimated allocations are based on the draft of the National Recovery Plan and the figures can be a subject to change. The deadline for the submission of the final version of the Recovery plans is 30 April 2021.

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