Schuman Associates at International Internet of Things 2016 Madrid Forum
Schuman Associates was honored to participate as speaker in the “IoT 2016 Madrid Forum” with its theme of "IoT: Innovation & Technology"organized by Executive Forum, on the 2nd of June, in Madrid.
The goal of the forum was to share experience around this technology and try to find solutions to the common challenges that the industry faces. With around 12 interventions from different national and international companies, the 300 participants had the opportunity to get insights on topics such as smart cities, interoperability, standards and project funding opportunities.
According to César Chiva, Executive Forum’s CEO, the event “supported the development of the IoT landscape in Spain, by creating synergies between professionals and companies”.
The intervention from speakers like Telefónica, Intel, IBM, BBVA, Tele2, Atos, Intersystems, Novelti and eGYM among others, offered a panoramic and integrated view of this market where several sectors of the economy are involved.
Among the speakers, we note the presence of Ms. Manuela Mellado, Global Business Development Manager - Smart Cities at Telefónica, José María Cavanillas, Chief Big Data & Security Officer at Atos, Patrick Strauss , Supply Chain Visibility & Internet of Things Subject Matter Expert at IBM.
Our colleague, Irati Herrero shared with the audience the EU perspective by analyzing the EU policy landscape for IoT and how the evolution of these policies have impact on the EU funds that address or will address IoT projects.
For more information on EU funding and policy insights on IoT contact
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