WEBINAR: Green Recovery market opportunities
Schuman Associates, in partnership with Bird & Bird, invite you to a public 90-minute webinar on what the Green Recovery means for citizens and companies, what opportunities the Green Deal brings and how they will be financed, as well as insights on delivering feasible green projects.
MEP Siegfried Mureșan, European Parliament Rapporteur on the financing of the Green Deal, will host this webinar, discussing the financing of Green Deal in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and what is to be expected in future.
The information presented will be critical for those working in large corporations in the areas of energy, transport, technology, mobility and health, as well as representatives from chambers of commerce, trade organisations and public bodies.
Date and time: 4 June – 15:00 CET
Register by 29 May: http://tiny.cc/greenEU
If you want to learn more about the Green Deal, check here our more recent article
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