AME- Anti Money Laundering Europe Meeting at the European Parliament
On 3rd December, Schuman Associates as secretariat of Anti Money Laundering Europe organised a lunch seminar hosted by MEP Timothy Kirkhope at the European Parliament. The event was a great success as it developed into an informal trialogue meeting over the upcoming 4thAnti-Money Laundering Directive.
Speakers included
MEP Timothy Kirkhope, (ECR, UK), shadow rapporteur of the 4thAMLD report and Host.
MEP Judith Sargentini (Greens, NL) co-rapporteur of the 4thAMLD report
Anne-Francoise Melot, deputy Head of Unit, Unit F2: Corporate governance, social responsibility, DG Justice.
Tobias Mackie, Policy Officer, DG Justice
Sebastiano Laviola, Italian Presidency of the EU
We also had MEP Ana Gomes, MEP Petr Jezek, the financial attachés from the UK, French, German and Hungarian Permanent Representation and the ECON Secretariat participating in the event.
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