Business for tomorrow: Czech Republic on the radar
Czech Republic is one of the largest recipients of European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) in the Central and Eastern Europe region. Financial instruments under ESIF are increasingly used in the Czech Republic and support the economic and social development of the country.
In the current programming period, Czech Republic benefits from EUR 23.9 billion ESIF funding, disbursed through 10 national programs. 43% of the country's total public expenditure throughout 2015-2018 came from the Cohesion Funds.
An important share of the available EU funds goes to infrastructural investments, which represented almost 40% of the Cohesion Policy allocation throughout 2015-2018. Investments include motorways and rail corridors, but a robust support is also dedicated to regional and local road networks.
The Government of the Czech Republic approved the proposal of support areas and Operational Programmes (OPs). The future programmes architecture includes six thematic OPs, a technical assistance programme, and a cross-border cooperation programme.
Broadband and digitization will be among the main focus areas. The Government of the Czech Republic approved the new digitization program of the country, based on a three pillar- concept: the Czech Republic's position in digital Europe, the Czech Republic's information strategy and the digital public administration, and digital economy and society.
Approved priorities for the next programming period also include: low carbon economy and environmental responsibility; development based on research, innovation and the application of new technologies; educated and socially cohesive society; accessibility and mobility; and sustainable territorial development.
What comes next?
The preparation of the 2021-2027 Operational Programmes will continue throughout 2019 and 2020. Working groups meetings and consultations with public and private stakeholders are currently on-going.
The final version of the OPs architecture must submitted to the Ministry of Regional Development in January 2020; the final version is expected by the Government in March 2020, together with the first draft of the Partnership Agreement (PA).
The final documents should be approved by the European Commission by the end of 2020 and their actual implementation should start at the beginning of 2021. The timeline will be strongly influenced by the adoption of the EU budget and EU funding regulations by the European institutions.
Why should you engage in the ESIF 2021-2027 preparation process?
1. To gain early intelligence on the future EU funded business environment in Romania.
2. To plan your future business strategies in the country.
3. To position your organization to shape the new EU funding programmes in the country.
How we can help you?
At Schuman Associates, we have developed extensive experience in supporting clients to understand and influence the policy and funding framework driving previous EU cycles (2000-2006, 2007-2013, 2014-2020). Through this guidance, our clients were able to leverage downstream market opportunities in their countries of interest and win EU funded business.
Following the right strategy, you will be best placed either to use EU funding for your investment projects or to sell your solutions in public funded projects.
Moreover, our local presence will allow us to:
• Guide you through national, local and regional public funding complementary to ESIF
• Engage with international financing institutions working in Romania in close cooperation with European Commission
• Access key stakeholders and local partners
For more information, you can contact our local consultant in the Czech Republic – Martina Karkulikova
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