Since the Coronavirus outbreak in Europe, the EU as well as the individual EU countries have been taken unpreceded measures to contain the pandemic as...
Recovery and Resilience Facility: Questions and Answers
By the end of 2020, the European institutions are expected to seal the deal on an unprecedented Recovery Package to help Member States overcome the so...
European Digital Innovation Hubs: one-stop-shops for companies and public administration
Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) have been created all over Europe since 2016 with the support of EU Funding. A DIH catalogue – "yellow pages" – wa...
European Research and Innovation Days 2020
European policymakers are progressing with the finalisation of a budget agreement that will shape Horizon Europe, the next big research and innovatio...
EU supporting neighbors in times of COVID-19
The EU is pumping billions of euros into the COVID-19 crisis recovery. The Coronavirus Response Investment Initiative allowed the use of €37 billion u...
USAID Digital Strategy 2020-2024 – “tilt to digital?”
After the digital initiatives of the European Union – both within the Member States as well as in some of its partner countries – and the African Unio...
Covid-19 Crisis and the ICT Industry
The Covid-19 crisis has shown the wide importance of connectivity and digitization of our economies. The IT industry provides now the key infrast...
Energy and climate policy in the EU
The European Commission is currently expecting the submission of the "National energy and climate plans" (NECPs) by each Member State. The NECPs are p...
The EU Green Deal: one trillion euro investment plan to make EU the world’s first climate-neutral continent
On January 14, the European Commission unveiled its one trillion euro public and private investment plan to finance the European Green Deal. The overa...
Business for tomorrow: Czech Republic on the radar
European Structural and Investment Funds 2021-2027Czech Republic is one of the largest recipients of European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) i...
Who will be in charge of the next round of EU funds?
President-elect Ursula von der Leyen presented her team and the new structure of the next European Commission. The new Commissioners will be in charg...
Business for tomorrow: Italy on the radar
European Structural and Investment Funds 2021-2027Italy has been one of the largest EU funding recipients under the EU Cohesion Policy throughout the ...
Business for tomorrow: Greece on the radar
EU funds have been the main source for investments in Greece during the economic and financial crisis. More than 87% of the Greek National Investment ...
Will your business benefit from the next round of EU funds in the Digital sector?
The big numbers Once every seven years, the EU decides on its future budget. The new budget will start in January 2021 and it is still expected ...
Be part of the Digital Europe programme 2021-2027!
Digital Europe 2021-2027 is the first EU programme entirely dedicated to investments in key digital areas. It aims to support the development and wide...
Business for tomorrow: Romania on the radar
European Structural and Investment Funds 2021-2027 EU funding plays a major role in financing public investments in Romania, with almost 50% of ...
H2020 Dashboard: Italy
Horizon 2020 is the EU's Research and Innovation Programme for 2014-2020. It is a great opportunity for private companies, research centres, public in...
Reform Agenda in the Western Balkans and Turkey
On 29 May, the European Commission published its annual assessment of the reform agenda in the Western Balkans partner countries and Turkey. Thi...
EU Sector Seminar for External Aid
Once again, Schuman Associates will be moderating the EU Sector Seminar for External Aid, taking place on 20th June in Brussels. This year the topic i...
Time Machine: excited and proud to share great news!
The European Commission has chosen Time Machine as one of the six proposals retained for preparing large scale research initiatives to be strategicall...
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