H2020 Dashboard: Italy
Horizon 2020 is the EU's Research and Innovation Programme for 2014-2020. It is a great opportunity for private companies, research centres, public institutions, SMEs, from all European countries to receive consistent funding for high quality R&D projects in many diverse sectors of science and humanities.
In this edition of our Horizon 2020 Dashboard, we look at the performance of Italy*, which comes third in applying for EU contribution to projects, but holds fifth place in obtaining it, after Germany, the UK, France and Spain. (During the previous EU Research and Innovation Framework Programme for 2007-2013, also known as FP7, Italy ranked fourth based on the number of signed grant agreements and budget share.)
Looking at net EU contribution for the leading five countries under Horizon 2020:
- Germany: 6,374 BEUR over 13.110 projects
- UK: 5,567 BEUR over 12.335 projects
- France: 4,492 BEUR over 10.531 projects
- Spain: 3,728 BEUR over 11.220 projects
- Italy: 3,460 BEUR over 10.312 projects
According to the European Innovation Scoreboard, Italy is defined as a moderate innovator. The country scores well in the Innovators and Intellectual assets categories, but performs poorly in Human resources and Finance and support.
Since the launch of the programme in 2014, Italy has participated in 10.312 projects (amounting to 9,49% of all Horizon 2020 projects in the period), of which 4.983 were coordinated by Italian entities. The EU contribution for these projects was 3,46 BEUR, corresponding to 8,45% of Horizon 2020's total budget. In 2016, Italian entities signed 1.167 grants: the highest number registered for Italy since the launch of the programme in 2014.
The most active entities in Italy are Private for profit, Higher and secondary education and Research organisations, while at EU level, Higher and secondary education entities top the list.
The top four Italian participant organisations in Horizon 2020 are:
- CNR Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche: 202,8 MEUR
- POLIMI Politecnico di Milano: 111,3 MEUR
- ENEA Agenzia per le Nuove Tecnologie, l'energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile: 75,2 MEUR
- Leonardo S.p.a.: 74,4 MEUR
Some upcoming Horizon 2020 opportunities for Italian organisations
- In the area of Climate
The role of consumers in changing the market through informed decision and collective actions LC-SC3-EC-1-2018-2019-2020
Funding rate: 100%
Opening date: 12 March 2019
Deadline: 03 September 2019
Deadline model: single-stage
Budget: 1-2 MEUR EU contribution per project
- In the area of Security
Technologies to enhance border and external security SU-BES02-2018-2019-2020
Opening date: 14 March 2019
Deadline: 22 August 2019
Deadline model: single-stage
Budget: 7 MEUR EU contribution per project
How we can support you?
Accessing these grants can often prove challenging due to the very particular requirements of each sub-programme and the highly competitive nature of the application process. Schuman Associates can support Italian entities in their bidding strategy under Horizon 2020. We can help you with identification, submission and implementation of the best Horizon 2020 opportunity for your innovation ideas.
*All figures are as of 04/06/2019
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