2020 edition of the European Innovation Scoreboard is out this week. The EIS confirms that the innovation performance of the EU has increased by 8.9% ...
H2020 Dashboard: Italy
Horizon 2020 is the EU's Research and Innovation Programme for 2014-2020. It is a great opportunity for private companies, research centres, public in...
H2020 Dashboard: Poland
Horizon 2020 is the largest EU funding instrument for Research and Innovation. For the current funding period (2014-2020) the programme has a to...
H2020 Dashboard: Portugal
With almost 80 billion euro for the period 2014-2020, Horizon 2020 is the EU's biggest programme to fund Research and Innovation. In this edition of S...
H2020 Dashboard: Germany
Horizon 2020 is the largest EU funding instrument for Research and Innovation. For the current funding period (2014-2020) the programme has a total b...
Time Machine: excited and proud to share great news!
The European Commission has chosen Time Machine as one of the six proposals retained for preparing large scale research initiatives to be strategicall...
What’s in the 2021-2027 Horizon?
As we move closer to the next EU Multi-annual Financial Framework for 2021-2027, discussions and negotiations for its final form become even more inte...
How to Find and Choose a Horizon 2020 Partner?
Due to the high specialisation of each organisation, it is crucial to collaborate with other bodies to benefit from synergies and from different expertise. But how to find the right partner for the right project? This is a big challenge for every instituion involved in Horizon 2020 projects, might it be industries, research organisations, SMEs, or universities.
Horizon 2020 to receive €400 million more until 2020
In yesterday`s State of the European Union address, President Junker announced that the Commission proposes €400 million more for Horizon 2020. The proposed increase in the budget of the EU`s largest research and innovation programme was confirmed by Commissioner Modeas and Commissioner Georgieva.
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