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H2020 Dashboard: Poland


 Horizon 2020 is the largest EU funding instrument for Research and Innovation. For the current funding period (2014-2020) the programme has a total budget of almost 80 billion euro. In this edition of Schuman's H2020 Dashboard we see how Poland has benefited from Horizon 2020.

After 323 competitions, Poland has received grants in the total amount of 218.44 MEUR from the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme and is involved in the implementation of 695 projects. The largest grant - more than 12 million euros - has been awarded to the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry PAS in Poznań.

Poland has achieved a success rate of 11.90% for the project proposals approved for funding and 7.02% for the allocated funding. The average success rates for all Member States are respectively 14.88% for the number of participations and 11.53% for the expected co-financing. Participation statistics rank Polish entities in the 15thplace among the 28 EU Member States.

Of the total budget expended so far, Poland has won about 1% funds. Poland is a leader in Central and Eastern Europe, but remains far behind the European leaders - Great Britain, Germany, Spain and Italy.

In Poland, the entities that most often apply for Horizon 2020 funds are universities, research institutes and the Polish Academy of Sciences institutes, industry and public and local administration.

The Institution of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Poznań has won the largest funding amount, receiving over 12 MEUR and participating in 30 projects. Second place went to scientists from the University of Warsaw. They participate in 32 projects with a total grant amount of 11.95 MEUR. In the third place is the National Centre for Research and Development, which has won more than 7 MEUR, participating in 27 projects.

In the regional context, in terms of both the number of participations in projects and the obtained funding, the Mazowieckie voivodeship ranks first, having won almost 50% of the awarded funds, followed by the voivodeships: Wielkopolskie, Małopolskie, Pomorskie, Dolnośląskie, Łódzkie and Śląskie.

Upcoming H2020 opportunities for Polish organisations:

In 12 March 2019 applications for 13 energy efficiency topics were launched, with total EU funding amounting to €93 million. The themes of the project proposals under these topics include smart innovations for buildings, sustainable energy skills in the construction sector, energy performance, assessment and audits, project development assistance and innovative financing. Applicants need to submit their proposals by 3 September 2019 and the results will be known by February 2020.

How we can support you?

Through its office in Warsaw, Schuman Associates can offer overall support to Polish entities with their bid strategy towards H2020. Schuman Associates can help you to turn your innovation idea into a success and benefit from H2020 through the entire process, from identifying the right opportunity to submitting and implementing your H2020 project.

If you want to take a look to H2020 Dashboards for Spain, Greece, Germany and Romania click on the links.

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