2024 has been a year of change and adaptation for European business and industry. Fortunately, some things don't change: for our clients, it has been ...
EU funding in 2025: Recovery and Resilience Facility and Cohesion Policy
Learning from 2024, anticipating 2025: core EU funding at country level As 2024 comes to a close, the EU and Member States find themselves at a pivota...
Celebrating our 35th Anniversary in Athens
This year, we brought our entire team to the beautiful city of Athens for our annual get-together and retreat, in celebration of this m...
EU Consulting Internship
Join a great team - and launch your career Our 'Schuman Internships' talent development programme is open again! Each year, we look for tale...
EU funding for construction: RRF and Cohesion Policy
Construction works and the built environment in general represent a stepping stone in a vast majority of economic development initiatives, from i...
EU funding for skills and employment: RRF and Cohesion Policy
The employment and skills landscape across EU Member States has been profoundly impacted not only by rapid developments in Europea...
Investing in European healthcare systems with Recovery and Resilience Facility & Cohesion Policy funds
Healthcare systems in Europe and around the globe are facing significant challenges, among them the need for better preparedness and reinfor...
Delivering the Green Deal through Recovery and Resilience Facility & Cohesion Policy funds
Europe's ambitious Green Deal is a one-of-a-kind holistic economic and growth policy addressing all sectors for a structural transformation of the eco...
Leveraging synergies to fund our greatest innovation challenges
The European Commission's adoption of the 2025-27 Horizon Europe Strategic Plan during the recent Research and Innovation Days event in Brussels shed ...
Driving digital investments across the EU through Recovery and Resilience Facility & Cohesion Policy funds
In its Digital Decade Policy Programme, the EU has set ambitious objectives aimed at securing a comprehensive digital transformation across all sector...
Positioning for success in a year of European elections
In a year of European elections that will have far-reaching impacts on the EU's policy and funding priorities, Ruth Estrada Dorronsoro, Partner at Sch...
Over €1 trillion to be spent by 2029: Recovery and Resilience Facility & Cohesion Policy funds
Now is the turning point for Member States to spend their EU funding EU Member States need to spend over €1 trillion by 2029, with 2024 as the turning...
Digital Europe calls open: €176 million for digital capabilities and technology
The latest Digital Europe Programme (DEP) calls for proposals – closing May 29 – offer €176 million to strengthen digital capabilities throughout the ...
€67 million for Interregional Innovation Investments: May calls for proposals
With a total budget of €570 million for the 2021-2027 programming period, and calls for proposals worth €67 million launching this May, the Interregio...
Digital4Security: Europe's new cybersecurity Master’s programme
The future of cybersecurity training Schuman Associates is proud to be a partner in Digital4Security, a pioneering new European cy...
The future of business training As a future-facing consultancy, Schuman Associates is proud to be a partner in a new European online masters pro...
Over €122 million in EU funding for ground-breaking digital projects: first Digital Europe Programme Calls now open
By Lorcan McNamara The first Digital Europe Programme calls of the year have been launched, offering over €122 million in EU funding for ground-breaki...
The future of EU Research & Innovation: Horizon Europe 2.0?
By Ruth Estrada Dorronsoro As the world faces unprecedented challenges in the areas of climate change, energy supply and biodiversity loss, the ...
€611 million in EU funding for innovative sustainability projects: LIFE Programme 2023 Calls
By Anca Wlizło As of April 18, a total of €611 million in funding for innovative and impactful sustainability projects in the areas of nature conserva...
Innovation and growth, solidarity and peace
Innovation and growth, solidarity and peace As we near the end of a challenging year for Europe, we are proud to have been part of the EU-lead i...
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