The Covid-19 crisis has shown the wide importance of connectivity and digitization of our economies. The IT industry provides now the key infrast...
The African Union’s Digital Transformation Strategy
On 9 February 2020, the African Union adopted its own Digital Transformation Strategy (DTS), which was followed by the EU Digital Roadmap, published o...
Will your business benefit from the next round of EU funds in the Digital sector?
The big numbers Once every seven years, the EU decides on its future budget. The new budget will start in January 2021 and it is still expected ...
Be part of the Digital Europe programme 2021-2027!
Digital Europe 2021-2027 is the first EU programme entirely dedicated to investments in key digital areas. It aims to support the development and wide...
Digital in EU development projects
The European Commission (DG DEVCO) is committed to promoting the use of digital technologies in EU external aid programmes. A vast majority of countri...
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