2024 has been a year of change and adaptation for European business and industry. Fortunately, some things don't change: for our clients, it has been ...
Digital4Security: Europe's new cybersecurity Master’s programme
The future of cybersecurity training Schuman Associates is proud to be a partner in Digital4Security, a pioneering new European cy...
Innovation and growth, solidarity and peace
Innovation and growth, solidarity and peace As we near the end of a challenging year for Europe, we are proud to have been part of the EU-lead i...
Delivering the Digital Transformation through the Digital Europe programme
By Ramona Chiritescu Artificial Intelligence, Data Spaces, Cloud, Cybersecurity and Digital Skills: projects in these areas should be on the ale...
How the European Parliament is shaping future AI legislation
By Dimitra Vasilia The European Parliament's special Committee on Artificial Intelligence in a Digital Age (AIDA) concluded its work this m...
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