Big ambitions,largest ever budget,tremendous opportunities The culmination, only yesterday, of the many months of negotiations for the next seven-year EU budget is solid and welcome grounds for renewed optimism at the closing of an intense and challenging year.Starting next month - January 2021 - the largest ever EU budget of €1.8 trillion will go ...
In order to help the most vulnerable countries outside the EU fight COVID-19 and its consequences, the European Union launched the Team Europe initiative in April. This €38,5 billion package (increased from an initial €20 billion) is directed especially towards supporting Africa and the EU Neighbourhood, as well as the ASEAN reg...
The Recovery and Resilience Plan: a strategic vision for Bulgaria The first draft of Bulgaria's National Recovery and Resilience Plan was released for public consultation on 30 October 2020. It is intended to be sent to the European Commission by the end of 2020. Bulgaria is set to receive € 6.2 billion in grants from the Recov...
EU External Aid Sector Seminar 2020 On 26 November, Schuman Associates moderated the 2020 edition of the EU Sector Seminar for External Aid, organised online by the Permanent Representation of Germany and Spain to the EU and ICEX – Spain Trade and Invest. The speakers were the European Commission's Directorate General for International Cooperation ...
The EU's most important financial instrument for environment and climate action - the Life programme - will receive a 58% budget increase in the EU's new funding cycle via the 2021-2027 Multi-Annual Financial Framework. Starting in 2021 and spanning the next seven years, the EU will invest € 5.45 billion in: Nature and...
This article is available in Spanish and English. Please choose your preferred language below.Este artículo está disponible en español e inglés. Elija su idioma preferido de las opciones siguientes. en Español Empresas Españolas y Financiación Europea post-2020 Desafíos y oportunidades del "Plan de Recuperación para Europa" y el Marco Financie...
As part of the next long-term EU budget, the brand-new Digital Europe Programme will accelerate the recovery and drive the digital transformation of Europe. With a budget of € 6,761 billion, Digital Europe will strengthen investments in: supercomputingartificial intelligencecybersecurityadvanced digital skillsensuring a wide use of digita...
Portugal is a front-runner when it comes to the preparation of its investment strategy under the Recovery and Resilience Facility. The first draft of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan was sent to the European Commission on the 15th of October and is focused on three dimensions: RESILIENCE, CLIMATE transition and DIGITAL transition. Po...
With an increased budget of € 23,4 billion, Erasmus+ will provide more opportunities to both individuals and organisations in education, training, youth and sports. The new Erasmus+ is an 'evolution, not revolution' of the previous programme, aiming to be more accessible and inclusive. From ambitious initiatives such as European Universities,...
The Recovery and Resilience Facility will provide an unprecedented €672.5 billion of loans and grants in front-loaded financial support for the crucial first years of the recovery. It is a temporary instrument (2021-2023 commitments) that will provide large-scale financial support to reforms and investments in order to mitigate the social...
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