Supporting a more
sustainable Europe
Sustainability should be deeply embedded in public policies across the EU. To drive this, we focus on the key policy files promising to deliver a greener, more sustainable future.
Be it the Renewable Energy Directive, the Energy Efficiency Directive, the REACH (chemicals) Regulation, the WEEE and RoHS (e-waste) Directives: we help shape and monitor each legislative step, supporting our clients in navigating the European policy-making process.
With a firm grasp of who is who on all policy files and initiatives, we help you anticipate legislative trends, engage with key stakeholders and actively submit inputs to help shape the agenda of tomorrow.
Through over three decades working with the EU’s research programmes (such as FP7, Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe and the Life Programme), we have seen first-hand how early research matures and translates into the technologies of tomorrow. We take pride in supporting companies, universities, public authorities and the non-profit sector in every stage of this journey.
The technologies of tomorrow need a highly-skilled labour force. We assist our clients in seizing opportunities under the Erasmus Programme to support extensive green skills training, promising to ensure the skills our economy, and indeed our society and planet, need.
We know first-hand that deep transformations such as the green transition require significant financial effort from all actors – governments, industry, academia and research. The multitude of instruments that have been developed to assist the green transition can sometimes make it difficult to identify the right instrument for your needs.
We have navigated this landscape for more than 30 years. From renewable energy and green fuels to energy efficiency, circular economy and many more: we have mastered the EU funding landscape. We combine big picture insights on outlooks and how public funding can help your industry and your organisation, with deeper guidance on the funding opportunities, timelines, budgets, stakeholders and more, that are required to execute your strategy.

We are proud to have assisted upcoming European Green Champions advocate for support for advancing green value chains under existing and forthcoming strategic initiatives, such as the Important Projects of Common European Interest (IPCEIs).
Deep understanding of public funding and State aid rules allows us to think outside the box and assist you in building your own opportunities.