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H2020 to receive extra €200M – and not €400

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In the mid-term review the Commission suggested an increase of €400 million for HORIZON 2020- EU's funding programme for research and innovation. However, Günther Oettinger, recently appointed to manage the EU's budget, said H2020 will in the end only receive €200 million. The money that is allocated presents a compensation for the €2.2 billion that was taken from the programme to fund Juncker Plan: The European Fund for Strategic Investments.

EU External Aid Funds – how much is your country getting?

eu and the un general

The EU is collectively the biggest donor in the world, providing over 50 BEUR a year together with its Member States to translate policy objectives into effective strategies and actions that meet country or regional needs. The EU has different types of EU External Aid funding instrumentswhich cover nearly all the geographies around the world. It also counts with thematic programmes which address multiple fields of cooperation such as peace and security, climate change, migration, food security, several countries.

Slovak Presidency Conference " Private Sector Development in EU External Action Programmes"

Schuman Associates Partner, Jan Dröge, will be moderating the conference " Private Sector Development in EU External Action Programmes", which is organized by the Slovak 2016 Presidency of the Council of the European Union and the Slovakian Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs. The conference will be held in Bratislava on 24 November 2016 and will examine the role of private sector in implementing EU external assistance programmes and financial instruments.

Schuman Associates at the Sector Seminar on EU External Assistance Programmes

sector seminar November

Jan Dröge, Partner at Schuman Associates will moderate the next Sector Seminar Water in EU External Action Instruments organized by the Permanent Representation of Austria to the European Union - Wirtschaftskammer Osterreich which will  gather delegates from Permanent Representations, Trade Promotion Organizations from EU Member States and over 100 companies from private sector. The seminar will take place on 15th November 2016.

2016 EWRC event: How EU structural and investment funds drive innovation in healthcare.

event website

Healthcare is one of the largest sectors in the EU contributing to job creation and to economic growth. It accounts for 8% of the total European workforce and for 10% of the EU´s GDP. However, the health systems models applied today result in ever-increasing costs. On 13th October,  under the framework of the European Week of Regions and Cities, Philips and Schuman Associates co-organised a Side Event in Brussels with key EU stakeholders to reflect on how ESIF funds can drive innovation in health systems. 

Impact of BREXIT on Regulated Businesses and EU funding


On 23 June 2016, the United Kingdom expressed via a Referendum its wish to leave the European Union, triggering a complex process of withdrawal. 

The final arrangement, to be agreed between the UK and the EU in the coming months and years, will have a significant impact on trade and a whole host of other issues. Participation in EU funding programmes such as Horizon 2020 will also present challenges for British organisations.

Horizon 2020 – Work Programme and Calls for Proposals in 2017


The European Commission published today an updated work programme for 2017 of Horizon 2020, the EU’s research and innovation funding scheme. In the course of 2017, the Commission will invest €8.5 billion in a number of cross cutting initiatives, such as: Circular Economy (€325 million), Smart and Sustainable Cities (€115 million), Green Vehicles (€133 million) and Internet of Things (€37 million). The major novelty of the new programme is the introduction of open research data in all new Horizon 2020 calls, making the free online access to scientific data the norm. The new programme will also support research of migration trends and policies and will increase funding for cutting-edge research.

Workshop: New EU Financial Instruments for Africa - opportunities for the private sector

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On 1st July 2016 Schuman Associates delivered a workshop to BECI-Brussels Enterprises Commerce & Industry on the new EU Financial instruments for Africa (Agrifi, Electrifi, and Africa Trust Fund). BECI represents 35,000 companies with economic activities in Brussels, as well as self-employed individuals, company managers and liberal professions.

This information session presented the challenges for enhancing the public private partnership between the EU and Africa and opportunities for private companies with these EU Financial Instruments.

European Development Days 2016: promoting digital single market in Africa

Dev Days 2016

Schuman Associates took part in the 10th edition of the European Development Days, a two day event in Brussels on 15-16 June which aims to generate new ideas, take action and shape the future with world leaders, young entrepreneurs, hundreds of speakers, civil society and international organisations. This year’s forum focused on the implementation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, building upon 5 vital ''P''s for sustainable development: Partnership, Peace, Prosperity, Planet and People.
We are pleased to hear European Commission’s commitment to investments in the region, especially in the area of digitalization.

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