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Schuman Associates at the Sector Seminar on EU External Assistance Programmes


Jan Dröge, Partner at Schuman Associates will moderate the next EU Sector Seminar "PRIVATE SECTOR DEVELOPMENT IN EU EXTERNAL ACTION PROGRAMMES". The Seminar, organized by the Permanent Representation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the EU will  gather delegates from Permanent Representations, Trade Promotion Organizations from EU Member States and over 100 companies from private sector. The seminar will take place on 10th March 2016.

Third Executive Breakfast Briefing: EU platform on public and private sector dialogue on AFRICA, 27th October 2015


On 27th October Schuman Associates organized the Third Executive Breakfast Briefing, which addressed the role and opportunities for the private sector in EU Africa cooperation programmes under the 11th EDF during 2015 and new EU Financial instruments (Agrifi, Electrifi and Africa Trust Fund). The event built on the outcomes of the first and second EEAS/DG DEVCO Schuman Executive Briefings in 2014 and key developments since then.

A step forward to unlocking EU funding for R&D and human resources projects in Romania


Schuman Associates organized together with Euractiv Romania, two round table events in Bucharest, on EU funding for R&D (on the 19th of June 2015) and human resources development (on the 2nd of July 2015). The guest speaker of both events was Mr. Marius Nica, Minister of EU Funds. He was accompanied by the management of the relevant EU Programmes that support investment in the two areas: the managing authority of the Competitiveness Operational Programme, respectively the managing authority of the Human Capital Operational Programme.

Schuman Associates at the Sector Seminar on EU External Assistance Programmes

EuropeAid logo

Jan Dröge, Partner at Schuman Associates, moderated the EU Sector Seminar “Agriculture, Rural development and Food Security in EU External Action Instruments”, which took take place on 18th June. The Seminar, organized by the UK Perm Rep gathered delegates from Permanent Representations, Trade Promotion Organizations from EU Member States and over 100 companies from private sector. 

European Development Days 2015



In June 2015 Schuman Associates co-organized an event "Satellite connectivity and public-private partnerships to boost delivery of public goods in Africa" in the Framework of European Development Days.

EDDs has established itself as the premier European forum on global development issues. It represents an unparalleled opportunity to share ideas, benchmark best practices and learn from the latest innovations to improve the impact and effectiveness of aid.

Winning Business in Africa


On 9 June 2015, Schuman Associates presented the Winning Business in Africa (WBIA) web portal at the IBEC premises in Dublin. The event was attended by a wide range of Irish enterprises. The WBIA is a joint initiative between the Irish Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, IBEC and Schuman Associates.

Schuman Associates at the Sector Seminar on EU External Assistance Programmes


Jan Dröge, Partner at Schuman Associates, moderated the last EU Sector Seminar “Energy Sector in EU External Aid Programmes”, which took place on 27th November. The Seminar, organized by the UK Perm Rep gathered delegates from Permanent Representations, Trade Promotion Organizations from EU Member States and over 100 companies from private sector. Key note speech wias given by Roberto Ridolfi, Director for Sustainable Growth and Development at DG DEVCO.

Schuman Associates participated in the Mission for Growth for Spain


In the framework of the "EUROPE 2020 Strategy for Growth: Promoting Business Partnerships in Europe", the European Commission Vice-President, Mr Antonio Tajani, headed a Mission for Growth to Spain, with the support of the Enterprise Europe Network and the Governments of Andalucía and Extremadura. Schuman Associates attended this event in Sevilla on 2nd and 3rd April 2014.

EU–Africa Breakfast Briefing on “The 11th EDF and the EU Africa Summit 2014: opportunities for public private engagement” with Nicholas Westcott, Managing Director Africa European External Action Service (EEAS).


On 11th February Schuman Associates organized EU–Africa Breakfast Briefing “The 11th EDF and the EU Africa Summit 2014: opportunities for public private engagement” with Nicholas Westcott, Managing Director Africa European External Action Service (EEAS).

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